The Dorset Street Murder.
Dr Gabe, of Mecklenburg square, who viewed the body of Mary Jane Kelly, alias Fisher, yesterday morning, said that in his experience in dissecting rooms never had he seen such ghastliness. At one o'clock in the morning Mary Jane had been heard a fellow-lodger crooning a drunken song, perhaps to the murderer. From that hour till half past 10 o'clock, when the body was found, all is a hideous blank. Before the post mortem examination a photographer was set to work on the court and house. The state of the atmosphere was unfortunately not favorable to good results. The photographer, however, succeeded in securing several negatives. The post mortem lasted two hours and was of the most thorough character. Every indictation as to the manner in which the murderer conducted his awful work was carefully noted, as well as the position of every organ and the larger pieces of flesh. The surgeons report will be of an exhaustive character, but it will not be made public until they give the evidence at the coroner's inquest.
Dr. Forbes Winslow says the murder is the work of the same homicidal lunatic who committed the other crimes in Whitechapel. The harrowing details point to this conclusion.
Gen. Warren, chief of the metropolitan police, has issued a proclamation offering a free pardon to any accomplice the Whitechapel may have had, provided he will give information which will lead to the murderer's apprehension. The woman whose mutilated body was found in the Dorset street house yesterday was a native of Limerick, Ireland. She migrated to Wales, where she married a collier who was subsequently killed by an explosion. After that she drifted to London.